December 9, 2020 – Fair Rates for Wisconsin’s Dairyland (FRWD) today issued a statement to thank the members of the Governor’s Task Force on Climate Change for its efforts to present a balanced report of recommendations to the Governor, Legislature and state agencies. Over the past year, the Task Force members have heard from stakeholders from around the state and discussed ways to mitigate the effects of climate change on Wisconsin and its economy.
“The Task Force recommendations presented to the Governor seek to improve the state’s economy and environment, diversify the resources used to meet the state’s energy needs, and generate family-supporting jobs for the men and women of Wisconsin’s trade unions,” said Kathi Kilgore, FRWD’s Executive Director. “FRWD supports those efforts when they are in tandem with the continuation of fair, reliable and affordable electricity for all Wisconsin residents and businesses, and protect the trade unions that construct, maintain and operate the energy infrastructure.”
“One of our requests to the Governor and Lt. Governor is that they ensure our transition to a green economy is done in conjunction with labor. All work in the legacy, renewable, and energy efficiency sectors should be performed by the safest, most highly trained, skilled workers in Wisconsin,” Kilgore continued. “The building trades in Wisconsin spend considerable time, effort and training resources so that they are able to build and maintain the ever-changing and expanding variety of generation, transmission and distribution facilities that are essential to reliable, affordable energy for everyone in Wisconsin.”
Key recommendations in the report from the Governor’s Task Force include: